ECMN conferences


On this page you will find all relevant informaton about the annual ECMN conferences




Valentina Anna Amato

#ECMN25ECMN Conference 2025

The title and focus theme of the 3rd ECMN conference will be annouced at a later stage. The local organizer will the Institute for Environment and Human Security at the United Nations University (UNU-EHS) in Bonn, Germany.

  • date to be annouced
  • Bonn, Germany

#ECMN26ECMN Conference 2026

The title and focus theme of the 4th ECMN conference will be annouced at a later stage. The local organizer will be the Environmental Policy Group at Wageningen University, Netherlands.

  • date to be annouced
  • Wageningen, Netherlands

#ECMN27ECMN Conference 2027

The title and focus theme of the 5th ECMN conference will be annouced at a later stage. The local organizer will be the University of Ghana in  Legon/Accra.

  • date to be annouced
  • Accra, Ghana



Researcher Mucahid Mustafa Bayrak asks a question during the first session of the ECMN23 conference, where researchers presented on concepts, constructs, and framing of climate mobilities.

#ECMN23Launch Event of the Environmental and Climate Mobilities Network

Towards a transdisciplinary understanding of migration and im/mobilities in the context of environmental and climate change

  • 10th-12th July 2023
  • Vienna, Austria

#ECMN24ECMN Conference 2024

Environmental Changes and Migration: Bridging Disciplines for a New Research Agenda

  • 9 – 12 July 2024
  • Liège, Belgium